Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1757

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504610027

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That when any [..] apprehended and brought before any justice, such justice is required to order all such Persons
to be publicly whipped by the Constable, or to send such Offenders to the House of Correction until the next Sessions, or lesser Time; and if the Justices
at such Sessions shall adjudge such Persons, Rogues, and Vagabonds, or incorrigible Rogues, they may order such Rogue and Vagabonds to be kept to hard
Labour, for any Times exceeding six Months, and such incorrigible Rogue for any Time not exceeding two Years, nor [..]
[..] or such Persons Consinement, to be corrected by whipping in such Manner, and at such Times and Places, as the Court than six Months, and during
any incorrigible Rogue shall offend again, he shall be deemed guilty of Felony and transported for any Time not exceeding seven Years.

That if any Person shall knowingly permit any Rogue, Vagabond, or incorrigible Rogue, to lodge or take Shelter in his or her House, Barn, or other Build-
ing, and shall not apprehend and carry them before some Justice of the Peace, such Persons shall forfeit any Sum not exceeding Forty, nor less than Ten Shillings;
and in Cafe any Constable, or other Person, directed to put the said Act in Execution, shall be remiss or negligent in his or their Duty; or in Cafe any Person
or Persons shall disturb, or hinder the Execution of the said Act, such Person shall forfeit and pay upon Conviction any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds, nor
less than Ten Shillings, or be committed to the House of Correction for any Time not exceeding two Months.

That if any Person [..] said Act, it that [..] to convey them to some
Justice of the Peace, and such Justice of the Peace is impowered by the said Act to order a Reward of Ten Shilling to the Apprehender.

And the all Persons begging in the Parishes or Places where they dwell, are deemed by the said Act, idle and disorderly Persons, and are on conviction to be
commited to the House of Correction , there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding one Month; and the Justice of the peace is by the
said Act empowered, to order Payment of the Sum of Five Shillings, to the Person who shall apprehend such Offenders, to be paid by the Oveseers of the said

And th [..] all Persons begging in the parishes or Places where they dwell, are deemed by the said Act, idle and disorderly Persons, and are on Conviction to be
commited to the House of Correction , there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding one Month; and the Justice of the peace is by the
said Act empowered, to order Payment of the Sum of Five Shillings, to the Person who shall apprehend such Offenders, to be paid by the Overseers of the said Parish.

And this Court taking Notice, that notwithstanding the Reward directed to be paid as an Incitement to Constables and others to do their Duty in this Re-
spect, and the Punishment directed to be inflicted upon Offenders against the said Act, yet, by the Negligence and Remissness of such Officers in the Discharge
Towns, and Places, from an [..] of the Kingdom, which are a public Nusance, and bring a great Burthen and Expence upon [..] contrary to the Intent
of the said Act.

This Court doth therefore recommend it to the Magistrates of this County to [..] speedily put into Execution, against all
Persons who shall be found [..] and District [..] the Punishment prescribed by the [..]
upon such Offenders; and this Court being resolved, as much as in them lieth, strictly to enforce the Execution of the said Act, do hereby charge and
command all High and Petty Constables, and other Peace Officers, within this County, to be very careful and diligent in apprehending all Persons found wan-
dering and begging in the Streets and Places in this County, and to convey them before some of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace ; and all Persons are hereby
enjoined, to aid and assist the Peace Officers in the Execution of the said Act, as they will answer the contrary at their Peril; and the Constables and other
Peace Officers, are hereby charged to make diligent and speedy Search in their respective Parishes and Places, and return to the several Justices of the Peace the
Names and Places of Abode of such Person, as shall for the Future presume to lodge or harbour Beggars in their Houses, or other Building, in Order to their
Conviction and Punishment, as the said Act directs; and this Court doth recommend it to the several Magistrates, to reward such Persons as shall be active and
diligent in their Duty, as by the said Act they are impowered; and all Constables and others enjoined to put the said Act in Execution, are to take Notice, that
they will be prosecuted for their Negligence or Refusal so to do with the utmost Severity of the Law; and to prevent any Parish, Peace Officer, or other Person re-
quired to put the said Act in Execution, pleading Ignorance in the Premises, IT IS ORDERED that the Clerk of the Peace do cause a sufficient Number
of Copies hereof to be forthwith printed, and by the Cryer of this Court to be sent to the Justices of the Peace and High Constables of the seve-
ral Divisions within this County, for the better notifying the same to their Petty Constables and other Peace Officers; and also that a sufficient Number of Co-
pies hereof be fixed up in the public Streets of this Town, and in such Towns and Villages in this County, near the Roads leading to London; and that the
same be forthwith published, in such of the Daily and Evening Papers as may best circulate the Knowledge of this Resolution.

By the Court,

On the same Day IT WAS ORDERED, That the Assize of Bread, as it shall be set from Time to Time by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of
the City of London , be, and is hereby declared and directed to be the Assize of Bread, from Time to Time in and for this County; and till further Or-
der of this Court, of which all Persons concerned are to take Notice.

By the Court,

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