Thomas Lewis< no role >
Thomas Simpson< no role >
both having pleaded Guilty to an Indictment against them for Petty
Larceny are both Committed to the House of Correction
at Clerkenwell
in this County there to be whipped, and discharged thence on the next
adjournment day of this Session being Tuesday the 19th. day of
January instant
. when delivered to pay their fees Severally 4s. 8d.
By adjt. on Friday the 5th. Day of January 1747.
Anne Young< no role >
having pleaded Guilty to an Indictment [..] Petty Larceny, is
Committed to the House of Correction
[..] and
Imprisoned [..] for the Space of [..]
fees. 4s.8d
Mary Gear< no role >
Convicted by Jury upon tryal of as [..] Larceny
is ordered to be Stripped naked form the Middle upwards [..] ukly whipped at a
Carts Tail from one end of Compton Street
in this County unto the other end of the
Same Street until her Body be bloody on Such Day as the Steriff of this County Shall
forthwith appoint and She is Committed to the House of Correction
at Clerkenwell
this County there to be imprisoned until She undergo the Said Punishmentwhen
delivered to pay her fees
Elizabeth Brett< no role >
Convicted by Jury upon tryal of an Indictment against her for Petty
Larceny is Committed to the House of Correction
at Clerkenwell
in this County thereto
be whipped and discharged thence.poor.
Thomas Flack< no role >
in Committed to his Majesty's Goal of Newgate
there to be
imprisoned until from thence discharged by one Course of Law.
By the Court