Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502980055

Image 55 of 8512th January 1734

To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace in the Next General Session
of the Peace to be holden for the County of Middlesex .

Whereas Henry Crosse< no role > of the parish of Saint Anne within the Liberty of Westminster in the County of Middlesex
Joyner did on or about the Fifth day of February instant Applytons George Wyatt< no role > of Cross Street near Carnaby Market in the
Parish of Saint James within the Liberty of Westminster in the said County Bricklayer Owen Sainsbury< no role > of Oxford Market in the
Parish of Saint Marylebone in the said County Carpenter Francis Flight< no role > of Queen Street in the Parish of Saint George
Hanover Square in the said County Carpenter and Francis Thredgold< no role > of Oxford Street in the Parish of Saint Marylebone
aforesaid Carpenter And did then Inform us That he the said Henry Crosse intending to Pull down the Dwelling house
whereof he is Owner Scituate Standing and being On the South Side of Church Street in the said Parish of Saint Anne late in
the Occupacon of Dalmane widdow had on the Twelfth day of January last Given notice in writing of such his
Intention to Pull down the said Dwelling house at the Expiration of three months from the said Twelfth day of January
To Mistress Susannah Fenn< no role > Owner of One Other Dwelling house in the Occupacon of Bochard widdow and Others
and which Adjoins to the said Dwelling house intended to be Pulled down as aforesaid And Also of his the said Henry
Crosse his Intention at the Expiration of the said three months To pull down and Rebuild the old Party wall between the said
Dwelling house intended to be Pulled down And the said other Dwelling house above menconed to be in the Occupacon of
Bochard and others To the End the said Old Party wall might be viewed by four or more able workmen to be named
Pursuant to the Direction of an Act Parliament made in the Eleventh year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the first
Entitled An Act for the better Regulateing of Buildings And to Prevent mischiefs that may happen by fire within the Weekly
Bills of Mortality and other Places therein menconed and whereas the said Henry Crosse further Informed us That in
Pursuance of the said notice of the said Twelfth day of January and of the Above menconed Act of Parliament He the said Henry
Crosse did within three weeks next after the said Twelfth day of January name three able workmen On his Part and behalf to meet
Any Other workmen the said Susannah Fenn should name to view the said Party Wall on Wednesday the Sixth day of February
instant (being within One month from the said Twelfth day of January last ) and thereof gave notice in writeing to the said Susannah
Fenn On the Thirty first day of January last And That notwithstanding the said notice from the said Henry Crosse to the said
Susannah Fenn in Pursuance of the Above menconed Act of Parliament She the said Susannah Fenn had refused or neglected
within three weeks next after the said notice herein before menconed to have been given her on the said Twelfth day of January
To name Any able workmen to view the said Party Wall According to the Directions of the said Act of Parliament And whereas
thereupon In Pursuance of the Direction of the said Act of Parliament in such Case made and provided Hee the said Henry Crosse
did on the fifth day of February instant name us the said able workmen to view the said Party wall intended to be Pulled down as
Aforesaid Now Wee the said Able workmen so named as aforesaid Do hereby In Pursuance of the above menconed Act of
Parliament Certifie to the said Justices of the Peace That wee did this day meet and view the said Old Party Wall between the said
Dwelling house whereof the said Henry Crosse is Owner And the said Other Dwelling house which Adjoins to it where of the said
Susannah Fenn is Owner herein before menconed And Wee do hereby Also Cerifie That the said Old Party Wall by us so viewed
is Defective and Ruinous And Ought to be Pulled down In Witness whereof wee have hereunto Set Our hands this Sixth
Day of February in the year of Our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and thirty three.

George Wyatt< no role >
Fran Flight< no role >
Owen Sainsbury< no role >
Fran Thredgold< no role >

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