Robt: Midford< no role >
lately come into the said Parish
ofSt: Giles Cripplegate
endeavouring to Settleherselfthere as
anInhabitant andislike to be Chargeable thereunto, and
Shenot having brought any Certificate, nor given Notice in
Writing, nor gained any Legal Settlement therein, pursuant and accord-
-ing to the several Acts of Parliament in the Behalf made: And whereas
upon the Examination of the saidArabella Abbott< no role >
upon Oath
St: Martins in the Fields
is the Place wherein the saidArabella
Abbott< no role >
waslast Legally Settled: These are therefore, in His
Majesty's Name, to Command you, the Churchwardens and Overseers
of the Poor of the Parish ofSt: Giles's Cripplegate
forthwith to Remove
the saidArabella Abbott< no role >
from the Parish ofSt: Giles Cripplegate
to the Parish ofSt: Martin's in the Fields
-aforesaid, (which we
do hereby adjudge to be the Place ofherlest Legal Settlement)
and deliverherto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor
there, or to some, or one of them, (together with this Precept, or a
true Copy hereof) who are hereby required to receive and provide
forherasA-Settled Inhabitant there, untilSheshall be
Discharged according to Law.
Given under our Hands and Seals, thetwenty fourth
Day ofAugst.-Anno Dom. 1731.
Sold by P. BARRETT, Stationer, in Fleet-street