Middx ss
Ad General Quarterial Sessions paris Dui Regis tent
& Com Middx apnd
in St. John Street
Com prd. P adjornd die Martis Scilt concesimo primo
die May anno regin Dui Georgy mmc Regis Magne
Britannie etc primo
Johe Rotherham< no role >
Metcalfe< no role >
Johe Milner< no role >
Johe Fuller< no role >
& ad
Socijs sins Justis dci Dui Regis ad pacem in Com
Prd. conservand uecnon ad divers felow tusgr & ad
malefarta in dedem Com p Petrat audient &
terminand assign etc
Whereas upon reading the humble peticon & appeale
of Francis Tyssen< no role >
of the parish of the Hackney
in this
County Esqr
exhibited unto this Court Setting on
Tuesday the twenty Sixth day of April last
that he was rated by a late three quarters rate in the
poors books of the said parish the sume of three
pounds & ten shillings made by the Churchwardens
& Inhabitants of the said parish only & not signed
by the overseers of the poor, there being in the said
parish two Churchwardens & two Overseers of the
poor, And that the Petr. was advised that the sd. rate
was illegall, it not being made pursuant to the
Statute in that case [..] made & provided, And that the
Petr. therefore appealed against the said rate, And
the Petr. praying this Court to appoint a day for the
hearing of the said appeale, and that the
Churchwardens & overseers of the poor of the said
parish might be obliged to attend this Court with
the poors book of rates, And that the Petr. might
be releived in the premisses, It was Ordered by
this Court that the Churchwardens & overseers of
the poor & such other of the cheife Inhabitants of
the said parish who are usually present at the
makeing & assessing of publique rates in the said
parish should attend this Court on Saturday the
thirtieth day of April last
to answer the Appellants
complaint above menconed, and Shew cause why the