Appellant should not be releived in the sd rate, and
and why the same should not be quashed & vacated
for the insufficiency thereof, And Mr. Senjt Whittaker of
Councell for the sd Appellant & th alsoe the Churchwarden
of the said parish then attending this Court, at which
time a Rate made for releife of the poor of the said
parish was produced which appeared to be dated
on the seventeenth day of January last & to be signed
by John Hudson< no role >
& John Clarke< no role >
of the said parish but not by any of the Overseers
of the poor thereof It was by Order then made, for
the reasons therein contained Ordered by this
Court that the hearing & determining of the matter
of the said appeale should be adjorned Untill this
one & thirtieth day of May instant
at eight of the
clock in the forenoon, Now upon divers reasons
offered to this Court to have the hearing of the sd
appeale further adjorned It is thought fit and
Ordered by this Court that the hearing and
determining of the matter of the said appeale be
further adjorned Untill the next Generall Quarte [..]
Sessions of the peace to be held for this County, And
that the said Appellant & alsoe the Churchwarden
& overseers of the poor of the sd parish & all other
persons concerned doe attend his Maties Justices of
the peace for this County at the next Generall
Quarter Sessions of the peace to be held for the sd
County by adjornmt. on Tuesday the twelfth
day of July
next at ten of the clock and the forenoon
to heare & abide their Judgmt. determinacon
touching the said appeale, And the sd Churchwarden
& overseers of the poor are hereby required to
produce the said rate before the Court at the same
P Cur