Court Middx
The Exam: & Confesson of Catherine
taken before
Ra: Bucknall< no role >
one of her Majties justices
of the peace
for the sd County
Confesseth and saith that the Two Gounds and Three petty [..]
and Blacksilk purse found in her Costodey and charged
upon her, with A silk purse by Sarah Norman < no role >
to be
stolen out of her [..] me [..] yesterday she this Examt
Reced from [..]
Sarah Timis< no role >
, A girll; in a Court near
the Lodgeing [..] the said Sarah Norman< no role >
[..] in
Dudley Court
of the parish of St Gyles's
or [..]
noe person being by when the said Sarah Timis< no role >
the said Goods to this Examt not did she Tell this
Examt here she came by she same
Capt Coram me: 23d: Die
Aprill Anno Domm: 1709
Ra: Bucknall< no role >
The marke of
Catherine Woolsdoffe< no role >
The Exam: of
Sarah Norman< no role >
Single Woman
taken before
Ra: Bucknall< no role >
: one of her Majties: justices of the peace
for the sd County.
on her Oath saith that yesterday being gon from her
Lodgeing in
Dudley Court
in she parish of St Gyles's in the feilds
and returning when yesterday in the evening about Seven A Clock
she this Depont found the Door of her Lodgeing Roome broke
open and feloniously stolen from out of her said Roome
Two Shiff G [..] Three pettycoats [..] and A old
black Sc [..] Thirty [..]
And Chat Su [..] are Catherine Woolsdoffe< no role >
to his [..]
sd Goods and mony this Depont Apprehending her fou [..] tion the
sd Catherine Woolsdoffe< no role >
, the Three petty [..] Stolen [..] this Examt
as aforesd, and the purse, And found the Two Gon [..] Afrawne
Brokers where the sd Catherine Woolsdoffe< no role >
Informed this Depont she
had pawned them and the old scarse at the Lodgeing of the said Catherine
Wooldoffe< no role >
in St Andrews Street
in the said parish
Jurat coam me: 23d Die
Aprill: Anno Donn: 1709
Ra: Bucknall< no role >
The marke of
Sarah Norman< no role >