The Examinacon of Anne Deakin< no role >
Oath one Fryday the 22d. April
Anne Dickins< no role > This name instance is in set 3817.
says she was taken in White Hart Yard
sd [..] of March the 18th: 1708/9
and going with one of
Assistance Philip Cholmondeley< no role > This name instance is in set 3009.
. near the last
[..] of
Covent Garden Square
goeing to the round house
[..] in Soldiers habitts come up. and said Dam you
[..] goeing with [..] he the said Philip
and [..] An ordered, to the round house and the tallest
the [..] said down you she is my Wife, the said Anne
Dickins< no role > This name instance is in set 3817.
[..] Answer she did lye for she did not Know
him, Soe [..] was Carried to the round house, and Knows of
Nothing [..] that happned in the Affray;
Jurat coram me [..] Secundus die Aprill 1709
Geo: Watson< no role >