Memorandum or Tuesday the 28th. Day of April 1741
Henry Marshall< no role >
. and Richard Hoare< no role >
. Sheriffs
the City of London
did pursuant to the Directions in an
act of Parliament made in the Second Year of the Reign of his
Present Majesty King George the Second Intituled an act for
the more effectual preventing Bribery and Corruption in the
Elections of Members to serve in Parliament take and
Subscribe the following Oath
I Henry Marshall< no role >
, I Richard Hoare< no role >
do Solemnly
Swear that I have not directly nor indirectly
received any Sum or Sums of Money Office
Place or Imployment Gratuity or Reward or
any Bond Biller note or any Promise or
gratuity whatsoever either by myself or any
other person to my Use or Benefit or Advantage
for making any Return at the present Election
of [..] to serve in parliament and that I
will return Such person or persons as shall
to the best of my Judgment appear to me to have
the Majesty of legal Note
Taken and Subscribed
John Lyles< no role >
Henr. Marshall< no role >
Richd Hoare< no role >