at the time of Committing the Felony afsd or at any time since had not any Goods or Chattels Lands or Tenements
within the sd Coror elsewhere to the Knowledge or Notice of the sd Jurors In Witness [..]
That Frances Williams< no role >
late of the Par afsd in the Co: afsd [..]
on the 9th. Day of
April in the Year afsd. with force Anns at the Par afsd and in the Co: afsd in and upon the sd Ann Rose< no role >
in the peace of God & of our sd
Lord the King then & there being feloniously did make an assault & that she the sd Frances Williams< no role >
with both her
hands her the sd A R in & upon her head face Barker Rally Anns & Wrists of her ye sd, A R violently & felon [..] did strike & beat and that She ye sd. Sp. W. did also then & there with her hands aforesaid violent & felony cast & throw ye sd. A R to & [..] to the Ground then & therefeloniously Violently did last & three & him
and that the sd. F W did then & there as well by such striking &
Wating of ye sd. A R. with both her hands as afsd. as by such Carling
the sd then & there lying upon the Ground with the [..] & Feet of [..] sd in & a poor the
& throwing of her ye sd. A. R. to & agt. ye Grad. as afsd. give unto ye sd.
A R. divers Mortal [..] bruises in & upon ye head [..]
Belly Breast Sides & Stomach of him the sd then & there [..] times did beat Stroke Stick & that the sd
back belly Arms & Wrist of her ye sd. A R. or afsd. of which sd.
Mortal [..] & Cruises She ye sd. A R.
did then & there give unto him the sd as well by the sd Casting & throwing to the Ground as by
the beating Striking & kicking afsd in & upon the sd Belly Breast sides & Stomach of him the sd
divers Mortal Bruises of which sd Mortal Bruises to the sdfrom the sd 9th. Day of April
in the Year afsd until the 13th. Day of the same Month in the same Year. at the Parish afsd in the [..] afsd
did Languish & Languishing did live on which sd 13th. Day of April in the yr afsd she the sd. A R. of the
Mortal [..] & bruises afsd. at ye parish & in ye County afsd. did dieBruises afsd did then & there [..]
And so the person afsd upon their Oath afsd do say that the sd
F. W. her the sd. A R. in Manner & by the Means afsd Violently & feloniously did kill &MurderSlag agt the Peace of
our sd Lord the King his Crown & Dignity And that the sd F. W. at the time of the Committing the Felony afsd or at any time since had not any Goods or Chattels Lands or Tenements within the sd Co: or also where to the Knowledge or
Notice of the sd Jurors In Witn.