That Frances Lewis< no role >
late of the Parish afsd. in the Co: afsd. Singlewoman
on the 9th. Day of April in the Year afsd with
force & Arms at the Par afsd on the Co: afsd & upon One Ann Rose< no role >
and then pregnant with a CertainMaleMale Child and then & there
being in the Peace of God and of our sd Lord the King Violently and feloniously did note an Assault and that the sd FrancesWilliamLewis withhis Right
Fast thisboth her Hands her the sd Ann Rose< no role >
in and upon the Head Nice Back Belly Arms and Write to Bally of her thesd Ann Rose< no role >
did then & there divers times Violently and feloniously did
Strike and beatand kickand that the sd. FrancesWilliamLewis did also then and theregive unto her the sdwith belly her hands & Arms violently andby such Striking and
felony. cast & Know the sd. Ann Rose< no role >
down to & agt. the Ground there and that ye sd
Kicking at afsd. with his Right [..] in & upon the Belly of her the sdso being Pregnant afsd divers
Frances [..] Lewis< no role >
did then and there as well by such stubing & beating of ye sd. Ann Rose< no role >
with bot her him or as afsd as by
such Casting & throwing of the sd. Ann Rose< no role >
to & agt. ye Grod. as afsd. give unto the sd. Arm throw.
Violent Bruises whereby the sd Male Child with which she the sdwas then and there Pregnant as afsd resd divers Mortal
so being pregnant with She sdMaleMale Child as afsd. divers violent Bruises in &
[..] pregnant
as afsd whereby ye sd.MaleChild with which ye sd. Ann Rose< no role >
was then & there pregnant
as afsd reced [..] Mortal Wounds [..] & Bruises in & upon his Head for Bart Belly Arms and
in & upon his Arms Head Arms Belly Legs & Thigh [..] in the Womb of her the sd [..] his sd Mother and the sd
Wrists in the Womb of her the sd. Ann Rose< no role >
[..] an that the ye sd. Ann Rose< no role >
aftwds to wit on the 11thDay of the sd. Month of April about 8 of the Clock in the forenoon of theAprilsecond days in the year afsd at the Barse in the Co: afsd brought forth the sd
which sd. Male Child [..]
And that ye sd. Male [..] Child so born alive as aforesaid of ye Mortal [..]
Male Child [..] alive [..] & bruises so [..] by the sd. MalebastardChild in the Womb of his sd. Mos. ye sd. A R. from the sdDay ofin the year afsd [..]
did languish & languishing did live for three hours next after his birth to wit at ye [..] afsd. in ye Confsd And that
ye sd. MalebastardChild at ye expiration of ye sd. 3 hours of ye Mortal Wounds & bruises afsd.
so received in the Womb of [..] sd. Mother ye sd. Ann Rose< no role >
as afsd. on ye same day & in ye
Day of the same Month in the same Year at the Parish [..] less of the Mortal Bruises afsd resd by the sd Male Child in
same year last afsd. at ye par & in ye Co afsd. of did die
his Mothers Womb as afsd. did Languish & Languishing by did live on which sdDay ofin the year afsd at the Par
afsd in the Co: afsd the sd Male Child of the Mortal Bruises afsd resd as afsd did die And so the Jurors afsd upon their Oath
afsd do say that the sd FrancesWilliamsLewis him the sd MalebastardChild in Manner & by the Means afsddidfeloniously did
kill& Murderand Slay agt the Peace of our sd Lord the King his brown & Dignity And that the sd Frances Williams< no role >