(To wit)}
AN INQUISITION indented, taken for our sovereign Lord the King, at the Parish
of Saint Paul Shadwell
in the County of
, the twenty fourth Day of January in the twenty sixth Year of the Reign of
our sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third
, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and
Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, before
Thomas Phillips< no role >
one of the Coroners of our said Lord the King for the said County, on View of the Body of
a Woman unknown then and there lying dead, upon the Oath of
John Wilson< no role >
John burry< no role >
Christian And
John Hall< no role >
John Brutcher< no role >
Thomas Wheeler< no role >
John Willy,
William Robson< no role >
Thomas Ecle< no role >
Joseph Taylor< no role >
Thomas Lewis< no role >
, John
Thomas Waine< no role >
William Rice< no role >
good and lawful Men of the said County, duly chosen, and who being then and there duly
sworn and charged to inquire, for our said Lord the King, when, how, and by what Means, the
said Woman unknown came to her
Death, do, upon their Oath, say, That the said Woman unknown the Twenty first Day
of January in the Year aforesaid was found drowned and suffocated in The River Thames
at New Crane Stairs
in the Parish and County aforesaid That the said Woman unknown
had not any marks of Violence appearing about her And how or by what Means she became
drowned and suffocated no Evidence doth appear to the said Jurors
IN WITNESS whereof, as well the said Coroner as the said John Wilson< no role >
the Foreman of the said Jurors, on the Behalf of himself and the Rest of his said Fellows, in
their Presence, have, to this Inquisition, set their Hands and Seals, the Day and Year first
above written.
Thos. Phillips< no role >
John Wilson< no role >