To wit,}
An Inquisition indented taken for our Sovereign Lord the King at the Parish of Saint Mary Le Bone
in the County of Middlesex
, the eighth Day of November in the 22nd. Year of the
Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the third
, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the
Faith, Etc. before
Edward Umfreville< no role >
one of the Coroner
s of Our said Lord the
KING, for the said County, on view of the body of
Jane Bemish< no role >
then and there lying dead, upon the oath of
Walter Smith< no role >
Peter Ransdale< no role >
William Dame
Thomas Holder< no role >
Robert Rotherby< no role >
John Padmore< no role >
John Warren< no role >
William Hillyer Aaron
Crompton Joseph Moulden James Pa
[..] ker Lawrence Kane Robert
Donald and Daniel Norfolk
good and lawful Men of the said County duly chosen as by Law required, and who being then and there duly sworn
and charged to enquire for Our said Lord the KING, when, how, and by what means the said
Jane Bemish< no role >
came to h er Death, do upon their oath say, That the said
Jane Bemish< no role >
on the First Day of
[..] November in the year aforesaid being
[..] Infant of tender Years and being Left by her another in a Room
or Apartment in the Parish and County aforesaid In which a Fire was then
and there burning It so happened That the Cloaths which she the said Jane
Bemish then and there had on and were accidentally casually and by Misfortune
Catch'd Fire By means whereof she the said
Jane Bemish< no role >
was then and
there Mortally scorch'd and burnt Of which said Mortal Scorching and
Burning she the said
Jane Bemish< no role >
[..] from the said first Day
of November in the Year aforesaid untill the
[..] Third Day of the
same Month in the same Year at the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid
Did Languish and Languishing Did Live On which said Third Day of November
in the Year aforesaid she the said
Jane Bemish< no role >
at the Parish aforesaid
in the County aforesaid of the Mortal Scorching and Burning aforesaid
Did die And so the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid Do
Say That the said
Jane Bemish< no role >
in Manner and by the Means aforesaid
accidentally casually and by Misfortune Came to her Death
In Witness whereof, as well the said Coroner, as the said
Walter Smith< no role >
the Foreman of
the said Jurors on behalf of himself and the rest of his Fellows, in their presence, have to this Inquisition set their
Hands and Seals the Day and Year first abovementioned
E: Umfreville [mark] Coronr.
Walter Smith< no role >
[mark] Foreman