City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1796 - 30th December 1796

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650090569

Image 569 of 67715th November 1796

To the Beadles and Constables of the Ward of Farringdon without


BY Virtue of my Office these are, in his Majesty< no role > 's Name, to charge
and command you, that on sight hereof you summon and warn
Twenty-four good and sufficient Men of your Ward Personally
to be and appear before me on Tuesday the fifteenth
Day of Novr. instant at 9 of the Clock in the forenoon
at His Majesty< no role > 's Gaol of Newgate

then and there to do and execute all such things that shall be given
them in Charge, and to inquire on the Behalf of our Sovereign Lord< no role >
the King touching the Death of Robt James< no role >
and for your so doing this shall be your Warrant; and that you attend
at the Time and Place above-mentioned to make a Return of the
Names of those whom you have so summoned, and further to do and
execute such other Matters as shall be then and there enjoined you;
and have you then there this Warrant. Given under my Hand and
Seal this fourteenth Day of November 1796

THOMAS SHELTON< no role > ,
CORONER. [mark]

The Execution of this Warrant appears in the Pannel hereunto annexed
The Answer of

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