The 3d day of October 1726
REceiv'd then of Mr. Aaron Cass< no role >
: the Sum of
Ten Shillings so much being
Assess'd on h is Landlord, for the
first & Second Quarterly Payment of the Aid granted to His Majesty
King George, by Virtue of an Act of Parliament made in the 12th
Year of His said Majesty's Reign, Entitul'd, An Act for Granting an Aid to
His Majesty, to be raised by a Land Tax in Great-Britain, for the Service of the
Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and 26
say Received the said Sum of ]
0:10 -
Jos: Rutt< no role >
Humphey Ives< no role >
Deficiency 2s:6d
[..] LONDON: Painted for Charles Stokes< no role >
, Stationer; at the Red-Lyon near Bride-Lane