To Goody Martin£00-03s-00d
To Goody Coates£00-04s-00d
To Goody Bell£00-04s-00d
To Goody Wagstaffe< no role >
To Goody Bull£00-03s-00d
To Mr: Parr£00-12s-00d
To Jackson£00-03s-00d
To Mrs: Fox£00-04s-00d
To Mr. Levingstone< no role >
Mrs: Deeves£00-04s-00d
Mrs: Palmer£00-08s-00d
Mr: Altop£00-05s-00d
At a Meeting of Vestry holden the 9th: of Aprill 1696
Mr: Thomas Cooke< no role >
Edward Gibson< no role >
John Hall< no role >
Church: Wrds:
Mr Deputy Wood
James Smith< no role >
Mr: John Richardson< no role >
Mr George Stannard< no role >
Mr Wm: Phillips< no role >
Mr Thomas Powell< no role >
Mr Robert Parnell< no role >
Lady Harveys Gift
Att this meeting was distributed after prayers & Sermon the yearely guift of
my Lady Harvey being 6th: whereof the Sume of £2: 10s: distributed according
to Will as followeth to the parson for reading devine Service & preaching this
day £3: 10s: To the Churchwardens 5d: a poore to the Clarke 6s: 8d: and to the
Sexton 3s: 4d: and the Sume of Three pounds and tenn Shillings remainder of the
Six pounds was distributed as followeth (vizt:)
To Goody Martin Son£00=5 [..] s=00d
To Goody Wagstaffe< no role >
To Goody Bell£00=05s=00d
To Goody Harris£00=04s=00d