At a Vestry holden the 28th. of March 1695
Mr. Thomas Cooke< no role >
Mr. Thomas Powell< no role >
Mr Edward Gibson< no role >
} Churchwardens
Mr. George Stannard< no role >
Mr. Anthony Ferris< no role >
Mr. Robert Parnell< no role >
Mr. Robert Brineley< no role >
Mr James Gold< no role >
Mr. Arthur Middleton< no role >
Mr. Thomas Shackle< no role >
Mr. John Snell< no role >
Mr Deputy Wood
Mr. Daniell Quarterman< no role >
Mr. William Ingram< no role >
Mr Henry Hankey< no role >
Mr. John Doldron< no role >
Mr. Thomas Tewsley< no role >
Mr. John Dorson< no role >
Mr. John Goodlad< no role >
Mr Gerrard Pullerton< no role >
Mr. John Hall< no role >
Mr. Birdsey
Mr. Edmund Cox< no role >
Mr. Richard Hallam< no role >
Mr. Waldring Feild< no role >
Mr Dimond
Mr Daniell Owyer< no role >
Mr Peter Speght< no role >
Mr. Tombes
Mr. Goddard.
Mr Hall Mr Waldringfeild Mr:
Tewsley Mr Holloway & Mr:
Mr Hall fined the usuall
This Vestry was Sumoned by Mr.
Thomas Powell< no role >
upper Churchwarden for
the choice of Parish Officers for the yeare ensueing (vizt) Collectors for the poore
and Churchwardens, And Mr.
John Hall< no role >
Mr. Waldringfeild Mr. Thomas
Tewsley Mr
William Holloway< no role >
& Mr
Thomas Moulton< no role >
& they being Sevrally putt
to the Vote the choise fell on Mr.
John Hall< no role >
but Mr Hall desired to bee admitted
to Fine for Collectors. which was granted paying the usull Fine.
Mr Waldringfeild chosen
Collector: but was admitted
paying the usuall fine
Mr. Waldringfeild< no role >
was putt up for Collector, and chosen accordingly
but desired to Fine which was granted paying alsoe the usuall Fine for
all Parish Offices
Mr Tewsley< no role >
& Mr Holloway< no role >
chose Collectors: in the Roome
of Mr Hall & Mr Waldringfeild< no role >
Then they pceeded to the further choice of Collectors. in the roome of Mr. Hall
Mr. Waldringfeild< no role >
& Mr.
Thomas Tewsley< no role >
Mr Williams Holloway being
next in course were putt to the vote & chosen accordingly.
Mr Moody chose Sidesman ye
roome of Mr Wildringfeild
Then was putt in nominacon for Sidesman Mr.
Matthew Moody< no role >
in the roome
Mr. Waldringfeild< no role >
who being putt to the Vote was alsoe chosen.
Mr Bayley choose Sidesman
Then Mr.
Richard Bayly< no role >
was putt upp for another Sidesman
& chosen
Mr Gibson choosed upper
Church Warden
Mr Hall & Mr Moody chose
under Church Warden
Choice fell upon Mr Hall
Then they pceeded to the choise of Churchwardens and Mr Gibson being next
in course was putt upp for upper Churchwarden who was unanimously
chosen and Mr.
John Hall< no role >
Matthew Moody< no role >
being putt upp for
Under churchwarden the choice fell upon Mr Hall.
Mr. Martin being Blind
12d P weeke augmentacon
Then was received the Peticon of
Mary Martin< no role >
one of the
pentioners of this Parish praying an Augmentacon of her Weekly pencon being
aged and blind & which being putt to the Vote, it was ordered that the Said
Widdow Martin should have twelve pence Weekely advance to her Prsent