Mr Gibson Mr Metcalfe Mr Moody
Mr Bailey Mr Winstanley & Mr:
Mr Tewesley
Mr Gibson & Mr:
Moody chosen
Thomas Metcalfe< no role >
Mathew Moody< no role >
[..] en bee paid three
Winstanley & Mr:
Thomas Tewsley< no role >
[..] the rent.
Vote & the Choice fell upon Mr:
Edward: Gibson< no role >
Church Wardens
Mr Shackle Mr Powell Mr.
Mr Gibson Mr Metcalfe Mr Lambe
Mr Moody
Mr Shackle & Mr Powell< no role >
Then was putt in Nominacon for Churchwardens Mr: Thomas
Shackle Mr:
Thomas Powell< no role >
Edward Gibson< no role >
Thomas Medcalfe< no role >
John Lambe< no role >
& Mr: Mathew Moody That out of them two might
bee chosen who were Sevrally putt to the Vote And the choise
fell upon Mr:
Thomas Shackle< no role >
& Mr:
Thomas Powell< no role >
Mr Shackly admitted
[..] fyne by reason of his
Infirmity [..] in his head
Then Mr: Shackle made his Request to the Vestry that hee
might bee admitted to Fyne being not capable to Serve by
reason of an Infirmity in his head which being allowed it was
putt to the Vote & ordered that Mr: Shackle Should pay the
Sume of Seaven Pounds for a Fyne which hee promised to pay
Mr Gibson chose under
church Wardens
Then Mr.
Edward Gibson< no role >
being next in Course hee was putt
to the Vote & unanimously choosen into the place of under
for the yeare ensueing.
Mr Mettcalfe chose
in the roome of
Mr Gibson
Then they procceeded to the Choice of a Sidesman
in the Roome of
Edward Gibson< no role >
, & Mr:
Thomas Metcalfe< no role >
being putt to the Vote
was chosen accordingly.
Auditors of Mr:
Rawlinson Accot< no role >
: Vizt:
Mr Jarrett Mr Woods Mr:
Mason Mr Smith Mr Richardson
Mr Parnell Mr Phillips Mr:
Mr Layfeild Mr Ferris Mr.
Stannard Mr Blackall Mr:
King any 5 of which to
[..] said Accot.
[..] dite day May 3d:
Then was putt to the Vote the persons foll to bee Auditors of
the Accompt of Mr:
Daniell Rawlinson< no role >
upper Churchwarden Vizt.
Mr: Jarrett Mr: Deputy Woods Mr: Mason Mr:
James Smith< no role >
Mr: John
Richardson Mr:
Robert Parnell< no role >
Wm: Phillipps< no role >
Mr: William
Layfeild Mr: Anthony Ferris Mr:
Geo: Stannard< no role >
Mr: John
Blackall Mr:
John King< no role >
who were unanimously chosen And
it was ordered that they or any five of them should bee
sufficient to audiate the same Account The said audiate
to bee made on the third day of May next ensueing
Every Church Warden
enter into a Bond of £500
penallty with sufficent to
[..] accot: of all such plate
Lastly it was ordered That every Churchwarden for the tyme
being Should enter into a bond of five hundred pounds pen-
alty with Sufficient Security to give a true Account of all Such
plate bookes Lynnen & other goods Furniture & Ormants. of the
Church which dureing his Office Should come to his hands or