Augt. 11 6 Yds Russia for 2 Shirts & 2 Caps-..3..6
6 Yts Do for 2 Shifts & 2 Caps-..3..6
2 Yts of Check-..1..10
1 Pr. Boy's Yarn Hose 1 Pr Girls Do -.1 4
2 Yts Red Baize for two Coats-..2..8
3½ Yts Linsey for two Gowns-.3 6
1 Pr: Boys Shoes ¼ one Pr: Girls 2/.-.3 4
Sept. 14 Paid for mendg. Shoes-.-.4
Octbr 25 DoDo-.-.4
Decr. 20 Do 4d Jany. 36d-.-.10
1759 March 23 one P
[..] Girles Shoes-.2..2
May 9 Paid for mat a Gown 1/-..1..-
Do Washing Linn: & Walkg: with the
Charity Children} -..1..-
Novr. 11 One Pair Girls Shoes-..2..-
Paid Nurse Jackson for their
Board & Lodging 54 Weeks from
Apr 27th.. 1758 to May 9th..1759.. a 5/.