St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

1758 - 1762

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBAC300070040

Image 40 of 369 1758

Sarah Holford< no role >
1758 June 8 Gave her P assistance2 -
July 20 Dodo2 -
Augst. 7 Dobeing in Distress2 -
Paid P Summons from Sd. Mayor1 -
10 Gave her to go to her Fathers, at
Lewis in Sussex}7 -
Decr. 7 Gave her P assistance on her Return
from the County}4.-
1759 Janry 4 Gave her P assistance1.-

Reced of All hallows pish. 9.6
Cash pd. 9.6

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