St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

25th April 1795 - 24th September 1798

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBAC300040133

Image 133 of 15123rd July 1796

Wm.. Sherron< no role > [..]
[..] July 15 Shift EtcW10.6
[..] 1 two ShirtsW19.-
two do. ChildW5.
two Shifts & up Coat
wife W14.6
[..] 28 ShoesE5
doWifeG2 -
6 Shoes ChildE2.9
March 28 Shoes Wife E2.10
do ChildE3 -

Augt 4 Shoes WifeE..2..10..2..10
13 Gift husbd Sick2..-
[..] 291 Pair Shoes E S.E..5..10..5..-
[..] 2 Child2 ShirtsD
Do Shoesdo E..2..10..2..10
Hose Child 3 Yds. flannell
Wife a Hose Do
Shoes Child
[..] 112 ShiftsE-..2..10..2..10
[..] 5a pair Shoes WifeE..2..10..2..10

[..] 26 pair Shoes for Boy 8 yr Old Evans 3/
Gave her 1/1..-
[..] 5. Gown Upper Petticoat & Check Apron W -..19.0
Pr Hose G. 2/2.
Pr ShoesE2/102.10
[..] 11th. Edd.Shanon< no role > pr Shoes E [..] 5.-
Son DoE3
Shirt Ed.W 9/

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