62 £ S D
1786 Martha Ball< no role >
July 10 Paid to Mr. Palmer for 48 weeks to
25 March 1786}6 - -
63 Ann Wimpory< no role >
April 12 Apron & 2 hand kerchief- 5 10
Sept 27 Shoes- 2 8
Relief- 6 -
ex 6/ £- 14 6
64 Ann Kingdom< no role >
1787 [..] 6 7.20 Shoes- 2 8
Jany. 10Relief- 2 6
Mar. 1 to redeem CloathsCash- 9 1
16 Gown & 2 Aprons- 13 -
ex 11 - 7 £1 7 3
65 Francis Harrison< no role >
Augt. [..] Shoes- 2 8
Oct 12 Reliefat twiceCash- 4 6
30 Weeks to 10 May 1787 inclu: at 1/6 2 5 -
1787 Jany 18Shoes- 2 8
ex 2.9.6 £2 14 10
66 James Harrison< no role >
June 8Shoes- 4 9
Jany 28 Ditto- 4 9
£- 9 6