Eliz. Steventon< no role >
32 June 10 June 10 to Apl. 28. 48 Ws. at 2/-4 16 .
July 22 1 Gown 1 upper Coat 1 Apron 2 shifts 1 4 6
Sepr 20 1 pair shoes. 2 8
Clothing ye. Child. 10 6
Reliev'd at sundry times1 4 .
Octr. 18 To Release her Husbd. out of Kegs Bench . 10 6
[..] E 7..1.88 8 2
33 Jno. Scholey< no role >
June 24 June 24 to July 8th. 4 Ws. 1/-. 4 .
Sepr. 30 to Novr. 25. 10 Ws 1/3. 12 6
Decr. 9 to Apl. 28. 22 Ws. 1/91 18 6
Sepr 22 1 Pr. Shoes. 4 9
1 Pr. Stockings. 1 2
Octr. 14 1 Coat Waistcoat & breeches 1 3 3
2 Shirts 1 Cap 1Handf. & 1 pr. stockgs. . 12 .
By Rollers. 2 .
Hospital charges1 4 6
Reliev'd at sundry times . 11 .
E 4.12.66 13 8