26 John Webb< no role >
May 27 May 27 to June 10th. 4 Ws. 2/6. 10 .
Sepr. 2 to Sepr. 30 6 Ws. 1/3.7 6
Novr. 11 2 Ws1/3. 2 6
July 3 Expences at Guys Hospl1 3 6
Sepr 7 A Coat, Waistcoat & breeches 1 3 3
2 Shirts 1 Handf. 1 cap & Pr. Stocking . 12 .
1 Pr. Shoes. 4 9
Decr. 1 Waistcoat Pair Breeches & Shoes . 16 6
27 Expences at Guys Hospital. 6 10
Reliev'd at Sundry times 1 . 11 2
E 1.11.25 18 .
27 Sarah Webb< no role >
May 27 May 27 to June 10th 4 Ws. 1/3. 5 .
Sepr 2 to Novr 11 12 Ws. 1/3. 15 .
Augt 3 1 Pr. Shoes 7 Stockings. 4 .
Sepr. 30 Expences at Guys Hospl.15 11
Octr. 4 1 Gown 2 Coats 2 Shifts 2 Caps1 8 3
2 Aprons & 2 Hands. 6 4
Decr. 1 Shifts 1 Cap 1Apron 2 Hands 2 Coats . 17 5
25 Expences at Guys & funeral 1 14 .
Reliev'd at sundry times . 2 .
E 1.2.06 7 11