Aprill 25th. To the Work house as p receipt00 8 8
28 To Bridyctt Brock< no role >
00 1 6
To mouse Palmer one Month due y 25th Instant for Tho: Sedgwick< no role >
00 9 4
To Jacob Parkers Son when paid the ½ Years rent00 1 0
May 4th To Bridyett Brock00 1 6
5 To some Cloaths for Alice Browne< no role >
00 7 0
To Nurse Aldridge for 2 weeks for Braowne00 10 0
To ¼ rent for Mrs Parr01 10 0
To Mr Tewsley< no role >
for Vaccad
as P Bill03 9 0
To Mr Whisbin Clcaning the Church plate00 1 6
To Mr Powell as P Bill00 12 6
To Mr Rawlinson as P Bill07 4 0
To Mr Gatford for mourning in the Church for the King02 0 0
To Mr Whinyard as P Vill & receipt05 13 0
11 To Bridyett Brock00 1 6
15 To Money paid Mr Hauley principal & Interest one Year
5 months
135 12 6
June 1 To money spent going to Chiywell
to see yr Children & on the
02 13 9½
To money rese [..] in hand to pay to ye 2 Constables as P ordr05 0 0