At a Court of Assistants Holden at Carpenters
Hall on Tuesday the first day of August 1797
PresentMr. WheelerMaster
Mr. Arrow
Mr. Dunkley
Mr. Jupp Mr. Flight Mr. Russell Mr. Lawrence Sir Wm.
Staines Mr. Woodyer Mr. Yallowley Mr. Suter Mr. Ayscough
Mr. Richard Astie< no role >
Paid his Quarterage to Midsn
. 1..6
Mr. John Tappen< no role >
Paid a fine for a Non Inrollment 1..-..-
Stephen Bird Tappen< no role >
bound to his Father
John Tappen< no role >
of Christs Church
in the County of Surry
Timber Merchand
& also Citizen & Carpenter
of London Consideration Nil.
George Bilbrough< no role >
George Bilbrough< no role >
of Whitechapel
in the County of Middlesex
bound to
Richard Astie< no role >
of Great Carter Lane
Doctors Commons
also Citizen & Carpenter
of London made Free
on the
Testimony of
John Hobcroft< no role >
James Bernard< no role >
of Carter Lane