Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

2nd February 1787 - 2nd December 1800

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251020152

Image 152 of 2113rd January 1797

At a Court of Assistants Holden at Carpenters Hall
on Tuesday the third day of January 1797

PresentMr. Arrow
Mr. Dunkley

Mr. Jupp Mr. Flight Mr. Edgerton Mr. Lawrence Sir Wm. Staines< no role >
Mr. Woodyer Mr. Tappen Mr. Yallowley Mr. Ayscough

Mr. Charles Iliffe< no role > paid his Quarterage to Christmas..4-
Mr. L. John Titterell< no role > This name instance is in set 1637. Paid Do.-..7-
Mr. John Blythe< no role > Paid Do.-..13..-
Mr. John Blythe< no role > also Paid a Fine for a Non Inrollment 1..-..-

Spratt to Titterell

William Spratt< no role > Son of William Spratt< no role > late of Hertford Taylor
deceased bound to Lambert John Titterell< no role > of Whitechapel Coach
Harness maker & also Citizen & Carpenter of London Conson £30


James White< no role > Son of Thomas White< no role > bound to Charles Iliffe< no role >
Carpenter & also Citizen & Carpenter of London made Free
on the Testimony of his said Master


Andrew Blythe< no role > Son of David Blythe< no role > late of Whitecross Street
deceased bound to John Blythe< no role > of Blackfriars London
Carpenter & also Citizen & Carpenter of London made Free
on the Testimony of his said Master

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