Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

2nd February 1787 - 2nd December 1800

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251020092

Image 92 of 2116th November 1792

At a Court of Assistants Holden at Carpenters Hall
on Tuesday the Sixth day of November 1792 .


Mr. Lawrence Master

Mr. Staines
Mr. Woodyer
Mr. Arrow

Mr. George Norton< no role > Paid his Quarterage to Michs.6
Mr. Samuel Rutty< no role > Paid his Quarterage to Do1..8
Mr. William Thurgood< no role > Paid Doto Do7..6
Mr. Richard Creese< no role > Paid Doto Do2..-
Mr. James Carnley< no role > Paid Doto Do1..6
Mr. Hindle Paid Do to Do1..6
Mr. John Lockhart< no role > Paid Doto Do5..-
Mr. John Mason< no role > Paid Doto Do1..1..-
Mr. Williamson Paid Doto Do. -..8..8
Mr. Fras. Keysall< no role > Paid Doto Do. -..6..-
Mr. John Lankthorn Smart< no role > Doto Do. 1..2..8

Grimes to Norton

John Grimes< no role > Son of Thomas Grimes< no role > late of Hadleigh County
Suffolk Attorney bound to George Norton< no role > of Ipswich same County
Silversmith and also Citizen and Carpenter of London
Consideration Nil.

Abell to Rutty

Edward James Abell< no role > Son of Edwd. Abell< no role > of Shadwell Pavior
bound to Samuel Rutty< no role > of Norton Falgate Pavior & also
Citizen & Carpenter of London Consideration Nil

Thurgood to Thurgood

William Ireland Thurgood< no role > bound to his Father William Thurgood< no role >
of the City Road Timber Merchant & also Citizen & Carpenter
of London Consideration Nil.

Bunce to Carnley

Thomas Bunce< no role > Son of Thomas Bunce< no role > of Hemel Hempsted
Herts Labourer bound to James Carnley< no role > of Labour in vain
Hill London Carpenter & also Citizen & Carpenter of London Conson Nil

Lowndes to Lockhart

John Lowndes< no role > Son of John Lowndes< no role > of Silver Street Golden Square
deceased bound to John Lockhart< no role > of Wardour Street Soho
Carpenter and also Citizen and Carpenter of London
Consideration £25.

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