At a General Court held at Carpenters Hall on
Thursday the Twelfth day of September 1776
PresentThe Master Wardens and most of the Livery
Mr Thomas Flight< no role >
who was chosen Renter Warden
on the last Election day havinghis Fine to be
excused Serving that Office on account of his ill state of health
You are Summoned here this day to chuse a Now Renter Warden
in his room And for that purpose the Master Wardens and
Assistants agreeable to Antient custom will withdraw
themselves and agree on proper persons to be put in nomination.
The Master Wardens and Assistants have agreed that
the following persons be put in nomination for Renter Warden
of this Company for the ensuing Year in the room of Mr Thomas
Flight< no role >
Mr John Jordan< no role >
Mr Charles Mills< no role >
Mr Edward Gibbs< no role >
Whereupon Mr Charles Mills< no role >
was declared duly