Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

3rd May 1757 - 5th December 1786

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251010316

Image 316 of 4697th May 1776

At a Court of Assistants held at Carpenters Hall
on Tuesday the Seventh day of May 1776

PresentMr Biddlecom Master

Mr Steedman
Mr Withers
Mr Buckland

Mr BiggMr OliverMr JonesMr Taine
Mr DermerMr ReadMr JerneganMr R Jupp Junr
Mr JuppMr AtterburyMr Hanning

Thomas Smith< no role > paid his Quarteridge to Lady day0.16.0
Thomas Savill< no role > paid Do to Do. 0.7.4
Thomas Burbidge< no role > paid Do to Do. 0.2.0
John Atkins< no role > paid Do to Do.0.11.0

Gray to Savill

John Gray< no role > Son of John Gray< no role > late of Bermondsey Com Surry Hatler deced
bound to Thomas Savill< no role > of the same place Carpenter and also Cit & Carp.
of London Consn Nil

Vale to Burbidge

Robert Vale< no role > Son of Robert Vale< no role > of Bish frome Com Hereford Farmer
bound to Thomas Burbidge< no role > of Leadenhall St Cit & Carpr of Londo . Cons Nil

Elmore to Atkins

James Elmore< no role > Son of James Elmore< no role > of Clerkenwell Com Middx Gentn.
bound to John Atkins< no role > of South street Grosvenor square Bricklayer
and also Cit & Carpr . of London Consn £5.


Thomas Rossiter< no role > Son of Thomas Rossiter< no role > late of Mile end Com Middx
Barber deced bound to Thomas Smith< no role > of Broad street Ratcliff Cross .
Carpr . and also Cit & Carpr . of London & now made free on the testimony of his sd Master


Lambert John Titterell< no role > This name instance is in set 1635. Son of Lambert Titterell< no role > This name instance is in set 1636. of Saint Mary
Whitechapel Coach harness maker bound to John Titterell< no role > This name instance is in set 1637. of Fore street
London Carpr . & also Citizen and Carpenter of London and more
made free on the testimony of his Widow


John Betts< no role > Son of Thomas Betts< no role > of Hoxton Carpenter bound to
Thomas Burbidge< no role > of Billiter Lane Leadenhall street Carpr & also
Citizen and Carpenter of London and now made free on the testimony
of his said Master .


Thomas Kigwin< no role > Son of Farmer Kigwin< no role > late of Chatham Com Kent
Shoemaker deced bound to Thomas Dawson< no role > of Hounsditch Carpr .
and also Citizen and Carpenter of London and now made free
on the testimony of his said Master

Turnover Green

Richard Green< no role > Son of Rhodes Green< no role > late of Benfield Com Berks
Shoemaker deced bound to William Reynolds< no role > of the same place
Carpenter and also Citizen and Carpr . of London and now
turned over to Garord Tokley< no role > Citizen and Haberdasher for the
Remainder of his time.

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