Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

3rd May 1757 - 5th December 1786

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Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251010276

Image 276 of 4693rd August 1773

Court Day August 3d. 1773 Contd.



John Grosgill< no role > Son of John Grosgill< no role > late of Saint Saviours Southwark
porter deceased bound to Richard Creese< no role > of Blackman Street
Southwark Carpenter and now made free on the testimony of
his said Master .


James Hawkins< no role > of Grub Street London Carpenter Son of John
< no role > late of Warminster Com Wilts deceased made free by


William Chester< no role > Son of William Chester< no role > of Saint Bartholomew the
Great Carpr deced bound to John Chester< no role > of London House Aldersgate
Street Carpr. and now made free on the testimony of his said Master .


Joseph Strutt< no role > of New gate Street London Glasseller made free
by Redemption.

At a General Court held at Carpenter Hall on
Tuesday the Tenth day of August 1773

PresentMr Abraham Atterbury< no role > Master

Mr William Jones< no role >
Mr Richard Fawson< no role >
Wardens .

And most of the Assistants and Livery

This Day being appointed and agreed upon for the Election of a Master
and Wardens to govern this Company for the Year ensuing The present Master
Wardens & Assistants having withdrawn themselves from the rest of the Livery
and considered of proper persons to be put in nomination for that purpose
Do by a power given them by an Ordinance in that behalf As also by antient Custom
Resolve & Agree that the persons hereafter named shall be put in nomination
for the Year ensuing Vizt

For Master

Mr William Jones< no role > 36.
Wm Reynolds< no role > Esqr .0
James Norman< no role > Esqr .0

For Upper Warden

Mr John Barnes Turner< no role > 36
Henry Sharpe< no role > Esqr .0
Mr William Bigg< no role > 0

For Middle Warden

Saml Bennet Smith< no role > Esqr .2
Mr Thomas Whittaker< no role > 34
Mr Thomas Stedman< no role > 0

For Renter Warden

Mr Matthew Fairless< no role > 33
Mr Thomas Jernegan< no role > 2
Mr Samuel Hanning< no role > 0

Your Election stands thus
Mr William Jones< no role > Master
Mr John Barnes Turner< no role > Upper Warden
Mr Thomas Whittaker< no role > Middle Warden
Mr Matthew Fairless< no role > Renter Warden

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