Mr: John Cordon Upper
Anno Domini 1736
£ S
Receivings by Wards RentsFolio1134 0 [..]
Receivings by Donations149 9 [..]
Receivings by Communion money15 1 [..]
Receivings by Coal money16 13 [..]
Receivings by Conviction money11 2 [..]
Receivings by Fines for Offices285 0 [..]
Receivings by Fine on Renewing a Lease for
the little shopps under the Church
2136 10 [..]
Receivings upon Auditing267 14 [..]
Total of Receivings485 10 [..]
Total of Disbursements319 9 [..]
Rests due to Ballance166 0 [..]
This Account was Audited and approved of this 27th Day of June 1738 and there appears to be due
from Mr. Gordon to the Parish on the Ballance One hundred sixty six pounds & Ten pence Three Farth [..]
Jos: Walker< no role >
Jno. Gunnell< no role >
Mattrs. Tompkins< no role >
Jeremiah Wilson< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
Danil. Rosbotham< no role >
William Myers< no role >
George Hawks< no role >
Elias Collett< no role >
Saml. Welburne< no role >
Jeremiah Bentham< no role > This name instance is in set 2192.
Jno. Price< no role >
Wm. Rose< no role >
Richard Spencer< no role >