St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

1732 - 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAAC100040064

Image 64 of 331 1736

Disbursements Continued

£ s


To James Walter< no role > his Wife and Five Children to go out of the Parish without a Pass 0 2 [..]

8 July

To 15 Men Women and Children with a Pass signed by the Lord Mayor0 2 [..]


To 10 Men Women and Children taken by the Algorines returning home with a Pass 0 3 [..]


Gave to the Prince of Mirrisnites being a protestant in great Distress and Recommended
by severall Persons} 0 2 [..]


To English and his Family continuing sick at Clerkenwell 0 2 [..]


Paid for Carrying a Man to the Watch house on Tower hill and laying him in a Coffin
he dying suddenly in the Street being a Stranger} 0 2 [..]

5 Augt.

To a poor Man his Wife and Four small Children to get them out of the Parish without a
Pass to Norwick being likely to become chargeable} 0 5 [..]


Paid Expences in Seeking after a Woman that had dropt her Child under the Blaw Boar Inn
Gateway} 0 2 [..]

7 September

To get a poor Woman out of the Parish being near her Labour0 1 [..]


Paid Expences at Sundry times to take up One Stone for a Bastard Child on the Oath of
Mary Wills< no role > } 0 5 [..]

22 March

To a Poor Man and his Wife and Child with a Begging Pass0 1 [..]

To Sarah Thompson< no role > to get her out of the Parish without a Pass she having two Children and
likely to become Chargeable
0 2 [..]

11 October

Paid the charges of an Appeal to the Parish of Aldersgate concerning one Mary Tilley< no role > &
her three Children who were passed by Order of the Committee but she forswearing herself they
appealed and for her and her Children keeping and Defending the suit till we could mak it up and
other Charges to find out her settlemt. at Bristoll and getting ridd of her} 5 15 [..]

18 October

Paid the Churchwardens of Cripplegate for keeping Mary Coppinger & three Children Six Weeks
and making up the Appeal without a Tryal} 5 15 [..]

8 Novembr.

To two men their Wives & Children with a Pass0 1 [..]

8 Do

Paid Expences concerning one Blythman and her Family on a hearing before the Lord Mayor
about her Settlement she intending to throw herself on the parish but was prevented} 0 4 [..]
9 9 [..]

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