Wee whose names are Under written in obedience to a Warrt. directed to
us by two of their Maties. Justices of the Peace
(Quor unus) have auditted
the Accompt of Mr. Nathaniel Gale< no role >
for the Liberty of
in the yeare 1693 and wee find by the sd. Accompt that he
he hath received the Just Sume of418:8:00
and disbursed on the said Accompt398:14:06
Soe that there remaines due to Ballance19:3:06
Witnes our hands this 27th. June 1694
Josiah Keeling< no role >
John Shrigley< no role >
Richard Platt< no role >
Bartho: Hart< no role >
Edwd. Chettham< no role >
Thomas Lee< no role >
Giles Bullock< no role >
Wm. Knight< no role >
Abraham Palmer< no role >
Ephraim Wilford< no role >
Midds ss
Whereas in pursuance of a Warrant from ho
of their Maties Justices of the Peace
for the County of M
(Quorum Unus Etc) to divers of the principall Inhabitants of
the Liberty of Eastsmithfeild in the Parish of St Botulph
in the County aforesaid directed. Thereby authorizing a refer
Number of them to view puse and examine the Accompts
Nathanael Gale< no role >
late Churchwarden
of the said Liberty, the
Inhabitants have mett together and examined the said Accompt
and report That there remaines clear in the hands of the
late Churchwarden
(which he hath received more then he hath
disbursed) for the use of the poore of the said Liberty the
Some of £19.13s.6d Therfore Wee whose names are Subsent
two of their Maties Justices of peace
for the said County
Toe allow & approve of the Accompts made up by the
Churchwarden And thereupon Toe order & require the sa
Nathanael Gale< no role >
to pay unto the prsent Churchwarden of
the said Liberty of Eastsmithfeild the Said Some of Nineteen pounds
thirteen Shillings & Six pence being the Ballance of this And
for the use of the poore of the Said Liberty according to the f
of the Statute in that case made and provided And this wth the
said Churchwardens receipt for the Same shall be his Sufficient
Discharge Given under our hands & Seales the Second day of J
Anno regni Rs & Rne Gnl & Mar Augt Etc Sexto Anno
[..] died 1694
Robt Constable< no role >
John Webber< no role >