More Disbursements
£ s d
Paid to Robt: Hewes< no role >
his quarteridge01 10 00
Paid to Mr: Giles Bullack towards the Act
of Parliament for ye Scavingers
02 00 00
Paid to Mr: Hunton for gathering ye Trophe Booke00 10 00
Paid to Mr: Hauving when the Trophe Booke
was Sealed for Wine & other things
00 14 00
Paid for a Nurse for keeping goodw: Woodcok
One Weeke when She was Sick
00 02 00
Paid P Expence for attending ye Sessions
about Colinsones Bastard Child
00 03 08
Given to a Poor Woman with a Pass00 00 06
Paid to ye HIgh Constable for ye Kings Bench
Maimed Souldiers & Marshalseas
00 13 00
Paid for One Shirt, one pair of Shoes, One pair
of Stockins for
Richard Cooper< no role >
00 07 02
Paid at ye Questhouse & at ye Horseshoe
Tavern at ye Audiating of Hallaines Booke}00 05 02
Paid to Robert Hewes< no role >
for his quarters Salery01 10 00
Paid at a meeting of ye Ancients with Justice
Jonson & Justice Robins at ye Horseshoe Tavern
to Audate Hallames Booke
02 00 09
Paid for a Warrant of Diseress for Overseers00 04 00
Paid at a Meeting of ye Acients at Thomas
Rutlands about Hallames Booke
00 01 06
Paid for necessary Charges & Selling goodw:
Sechells goods
00 03 08
Paid to
Charles Lucas< no role >
for ye Binding of
Deton< no role >
Prentis & mony given with him
01 14 06
Paid P necessary expence going to ye Parliament
house with Mr: Bullack, Mr: Rennalls & Mr:
Hickman about ye Scavingers Act
00 07 02
Paid at meeting at ye Horseshoe with Justice
Robins, Mr: Bullack & Some others
about Mrs: Winn to Clear ye Town of her
00 08 02
Paid to P Kings Taxis when I received
Lapton & Croptons Money & Return of the
money & Post Letters
01 12 02
Paid P expence for goeing three times
for Lopton & Croptons money
00 04 06