Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050442

Image 442 of 49120th October 1736

Wednesday 20th. Octr: 1736

Punr & dd
Says her name is Ann Affleck< no role >

{ Bread & Wine
Country Nan}
Anne By Sr . John Williams< no role > Knt . Lord Mayor
being charged by the Oath of William Saul< no role > with being
a loose idle disorderly person and a comon Night Walker & Disturber
of the Peace.


HelmettMary< no role > By Sr . John Williams< no role > Knt . Lord Mayor being
charged by the Oath of William Lucas< no role > with being a loose idle person
and cheating him of about thirty pounds of Beef under false Colours
& pretences.


CalvertSarah< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the
Oath of John Burdett< no role > for pillferring off the keys some Tobacco of
small Value and being a loose idle & a disorderly person.

Govr reced his Charge

At this Court the Charge was read to Richard Skryne< no role > Esqr .
as one of the Governors of these Hospitals .

Ordered that no Governors be named at this Court.

MarshallJohn< no role > Proposals
for an Hse in Vine Street near Round
Court refer'd to ye comee}

Upon reading the proposalls of John Marshall< no role > setting forth
That he is willing to take a Lease of a House in Vine Street near
Round Court in the Strand with ye usual Covenants in the Hospital Leases to their Tenants to commence from
Christmas next at the Rent of £15. P Ann having a Quarters rent
allowed him towards repairing the sameIt is Ordered that it be
referred to the Comittee of this House to consider of the said proposals
and to report their Opinion therein to this Court.


At this Court the following poor Boys were ordered to be put out
Apprentices at the Nomination of the several Governors thereafter named

Nominated by
MorecockStephen< no role > toRobert Fotherby< no role > Esqr .

Indre dat 29th Octr. 1736

ThompsonWilliam< no role > to Benja Thatcher< no role > Mr. John Watts< no role >

Foster Mr. Henry< no role > his death
Reader to be elected in his room}

At this Court the Vacancy of the Reader & Schoolmaster
of this Hospital by the death of Mr. Foster wasWhereupon
It is Ordered that the Election of a Reader and Schoolmaster in
the room of the said Mr. Foster be next Wednesday at the same time
with the Election of a Minister or Preacher of this Hospital in the
room of Dr. Yalden deceased and that notice of such Elections be
inserted in the Ticketts.

Hale Dr. a house in Lincolns
Inn fields to the Physitian of
Beth Hospl for the time being

This Court being informedThat 29th. Septr. 1704 Sr. John
< no role > pursuant to a power given him by Act of Parliament 2d. Anne
leased an House in Lincolns Inn fields with the Oathhouses Etc. there to
belonging to Edward Fregenna< no role > Gentleman for 61 years at £25 P Ann
The House was in great Measure rebuilt by Mr. Fregenna and

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