Friday 1st. Decr. 1732
PorterMr Saml< no role >
.his Legacy
of £100 to ye Incurables at Bethlem}
Robert Glynne< no role >
one of the Governors of these Hospitals
acquainted this Court that Mr.
Samuel Porter< no role >
late Citizen & Draper
of London deceased
by his Will dated the tenth of May
1732 Did give to the Hospital of Behtlem London the Sum of One hundred pounds in the
words followingTo the Precedent & Governors of the Hospital of Bethlehem for the
use of the Incurables there one hundred pounds& that the same will be paid by Mrs.
Anne Glynne< no role >
in Aldermanbury
his Executrix
FirminThos< no role >
. Petr. for a wast
peice of Ground at ye back of ye Hospl.
referrd to ye Comee}
Upon reading the humble Petition of
Thomas Firmin< no role >
setting forthThat there
is a West peice of Ground at the back of the Hospital towards Bride Lane
70 feet in length from East to West & from North to South in some parts 9 foot broad & in
other places not 2 foot, which for sometime past has been enjoyd by the Tenants of
Several Houses in Crown Court
Bride Lane
& the same is of no service to the Governors
& the Petr. praying that he many have leave to enjoy it as heretoforeIt is Ordered
that the said Petition be referred to the consideration of the Comittee of this House who are
desired to make their Report therein to the Court.
WyndhamMrs. Cath< no role >
. Matron
. Petr.
for a Gratuity referrd to ye. Comee}
Upon reading the humble Petition of Mrs.
Catherine Wyndham< no role >
setting forthThat
she has been Matron of this Hospital
above 18 Years during which time she had kept sometimes
one and often two Servants to assist her in doing her business is MatronThat her Salary is
small & not Sufficient to maintain her and one Servant & the Petitioner growing old & infirm
has not for several Years last past been capable of following other business as she used to do
when she first came into the Hospital whereby she is reduced in her CircumstancesThat
tho there are as many or more Women comitted to the Prison of the Hospital than heretofore
yet they are of the meaner sort and there is seldom one in three that are able to pay the Fees
for their discharge whereby the Pets. Perquisites are sunk& praying that the Governors
will be pleased to allow her such a Gratuity as they shall think fitIt is Ordered that
the said Petition be referred to the consideration of the Comittee of this House who are desired
to make their Report therein to the Court.
CooperMr. Frigg< no role >
to Mr. Henry Foster< no role >
In Persuance of an Order of Court of the 4th. day of August last this
Court took into Consideration the Matter of the Election of an Assistant to the
Henry Foster< no role >
of this Hospital and it being mov'd that the
Person who shall be chosen Assistant to the said Mr.
Henry Foster< no role >
shall be chosen only
during the pleasure of the Court the same was order'd accordingly.
Then the several humble Petitions of the Reverend
Mr. Trigg Cooper< no role >
and the
Mr. Thos. Pocock< no role >
for one of them to be Assistant to the said Mr. Foster were
read and they were called in and acquainted that the Person who shou'd be chosen shou'd
be only during the pleasure of the Court and they being severally put in nomination the
Majority of Hands plainly appeared to be for the said Mr. Cooper whereupon he was
declared duly elected to be Assistant to the said Mr. Foster during the pleasure of this
Court And it is Ordered that he be allowed a Sallary of £20 P Ann pursuant to
the Order of Court of the 4th. day of Augt. Last.