Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010274

Image 274 of 50012th May 1693

Walter Light< no role >
to be Inquir'd

Also upon the humble Peticon of Walter Light< no role >
Shoemaker (who was brought up Apprntice with
Robert Frost< no role > Shoemaker (late one of the Artsmars . of this
Hosptl.) and Since made a Freeman of this Citty by
the Approbacon of this Court, and who is Sett up
for himselfe (as he alledgeth) in Canterbury Court in
Blackfryers and has formerly recd £5. part of Mr.
Locks Gift) for some further part there of the better
to enable him to manage his said Trade It is
Ordered by this Court That Mr. Smith & Mr. Kemp
(two of the Governors of this Hospll:) he desired to
Inquire of the said Walter Light whether he be soe
Sett up in his said Trade & of his hopefullness therein &
of his improvemt. of the five pounds he formerly recd
And to make Report thereof to the next Court.

Mr. Nippreferred
to a Comittee}

Also upon the humble Peticon of Daniel Nipp< no role >
Weaver (one of the Artsmasters of this Hosptl. of
Bridewell ) humbly praying that his house may be
new whifmed he having lived therein above Twenty
yeare sand in all that time putt the Hospll. to noe
Charge about his said House It is Ordered That
the same he referred to the Committee of the said
Hospitall to doe therein as they shall thinke fitt.

New Governor

Mr. Kenricke or Merchant in Crutchett Fryers

New Governors

John Rolfe< no role > of Walbrooke Cittizen & Skinner by Mr.

John Howard< no role > a Cooper by Mr. Bearcroft

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