Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010244

Image 244 of 50016th December 1692

Mr. Taylers Widow
3 Months to

And it is Ordered That the Widow of Mr. Tayler
the late Schoole Master Shall have three months
time to remove out of the said Hospll. and to quitt
the roomes she now dwelleth in.

A Nurse for
Referred to the

Also upon the Applicacon of Dr. Tyson (Phisitian
to Bethlem Hospitall) to this Court That a nurse
may be Entertained as a Standing Servant of the
Said Hospitall for the looking to and Attending such of
the Patients there as Shall happen to be ill of other
distempers besides Lunary and Such who cannot helpe
themselves with their Dyett wth. he conceives very
necessary and for the Honor. and Advantage of the said
Hospitall This Court doth Referre the Consideracon
thereof to the Comittee of the said Hospll. who are desired
to Advise with the Phisitian thereabout, and to report
their opinion thereof to the next Court.

Porters Man
To Serve the
Men Prisonrs,
with Dyett

Also This Court being informed That the Matrons
maid has of Late yeares Served the Men prisoner with
Dyett on working Days and Understanding from Sevall
of their Officers that the said Prisoners were wont
heretofore to be Served by the Porters man And this
Court conceiving in not to be Decent or Convenient for
the Matrons maid to doe the same and the Antient
Custome has been otherwise Doe Order That for the
Future the Porters mardoe Serve the Men Prisoners
with their Dyett aswell on working Days as on Sundays

John Tuvenell< no role >
& Lidia Ceasteau< no role >
noe Abatement}

Also upon the humble Peticon of Mr. John
< no role > on the behalfe of the French Congragacon
at the Savoy for Some mittigacon of the weekly
payment of 5s. a piece of John Janell< no role > and Lydia
< no role > 2 Poor French Lunaticks now in the
Hospll. of Bethlem in regard of the great Charge
the said Congregacon are att about their poor and
their inability to defray the same This Court upon
Consideracon of the Matter of the said Peticon doe
thinke fitt to Discharge the same.

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