Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010033

Image 33 of 5006th December 1689

Artsmasters ordr

Uppon reading a Reporte of the Comittee for the hospitall
of Bridewell there were severall Rules and orders wch. they
conceived should be observed by the severall Artsmasters
in the hospitall of Bridewell for the governmt. of themselves
and their Apprntices in the sd hospitall And that the same
Should be Subscribed by the severall Artsmasters for the
better observacon and pformance of them And the same
orders and Rules being now read in [..] Courte It is ordered
by this Courte that the same be allowed and approved
off by this Courte And that the severall Artsmasters be
required to subscribe the same And there uppon Wm. Elsly< no role >
William Adkins< no role > Jon Fowler< no role > William Lee< no role > Daniel Nipp< no role > John
< no role > and John Boulter< no role > did subscribe the same
But Benjamin Harrison< no role > Thomas Pullin< no role > Wm. Baker< no role > Caleb
< no role > John Browne< no role > Benjamin Clare< no role > Robbert Frost< no role > Richard
< no role > John Long < no role > Phillip Baron< no role > John Whitwell< no role > Wm. Smyth < no role > and Samuell
< no role > refused to subscribe the sacner orders where uppon
It is ordered by thia Courte That the [..] hans that
refused to subscribe the sd orders shalle discharged from
being Artsmasters in the said hospitall except good
reasons shall appeare to the Courte to dispence or
surpend the same

Wm. Halfepenny< no role > £10
of Mr Locker guift

Alsoe Uppon reading the reporte of Mr Barlee & Mr Shaw William Halfepenny< no role > whoe
was brought up an Apprntice in this hospitall wth. Richard
< no role > silke weaver and since made a Freeman of this Citty by
the approbacon of this Courte and setup for himselfe in his sd trad:
in the house of Mr Coxe in George Ally in shoe lane as hee alle ageth
and is reported to be very good husband It is ordered by
this Courte That Mr. Trer Ducane doe give and pay unto
him Tenne pounds out of the profits of Mr Hockes guift the
better to enable him to set up and mange his sd Trade
Tobe allowed him on his next Accompt

Slingsby Bethell Esqr ordered mee to write downe that his
opinion was agt. the Artichefon comeing to Church
[..] icanle of the Art of indulacnce

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