City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1787 - 29th December 1787

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652270458

Image 458 of 58715th October 1787

him, and on Wednesday and Thursday following
he continued to tolerably well, on Friday the 12th. inst.
he altered much for the worst, and Died about Eight
o' Clock in the Evening the same Dayon Saturday
Deponent Examined the Body, found three Wounds
on the fore part of the left Thight Extracted three
Balls from the back part of the same Thigh a
superficial Wound on the left side of the Scrotum
a Wound much in the same place on the fore part of
the right ThighExtracted two Balls from the back
part of the same ThighSuperficial Wounds on the
fore part of the Belly which Deponent supposes were
made by Shot, and is of Opinion that the before
mentioned Wounds were the immediate cause of his

Thos. Montagu< no role >

Ralph Withers< no role > one of the Watchman of the Hamlet
of Knightsbridge in the Parish of St. Margaret Westmr .
on his Oath saith, that on Tuesday last the 9th. of October
instant [..] as he was crying the Hour of Eleven
o'Clock Mr. Drake's Gardner desired he would come with

him for there was a troublesome Man at Mr. Drakes
Gatethe Gardner had a Blunderbuss under his Coat
Deponent went with himas they went along, the
Gardner said if the Man should get over the Wall
have a right to short himDeponent replied most
undoubtedly you haveyou have the Care of your
Masters House and PropertyWhen he come to the
Gate he saw the Man and a Gentleman talking to
him endeavouring to perswade him to go awayDept.
Saw the Deceased spreading out his hands, and heard
him make use of horn'd imprecations said he had
a Wife there and a stand of Colours and it was the
Dutchess of Devonshiresthe Gardner rang the Ball
Mr. Drake's Watchman opened the Gate, the Gardner
then went inthe Deceased also went in, and the
Gentleman that had been talking with him at
the Gateand this Deponent went inSays the Deced
got up to the Steps at the Front Door, and Knocked
violently at the DoorDeponent went up to him and
desired him to go away, or else he would find Persons

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