St Thomas's Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

20th February 1678 - 16th July 1735

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMTHMG553010281

Image 281 of 45816th December 1709

And wee are of Opinion that all these Charges & Expences
Except the Charge of the said new wall are no more then what he
was oblidged to by Covenants in his Lease as repairs of ye old
wall, the shines and the housee barne and other buildings upon
the Farme and the Scowring of Ditches Or such as he thought fitt to be
att for his own Benefitt & profitt as the Levelling of Mole hills Or
such as hapned by reason of his occupancy or being Tenant of his
Farme to witt there paires of the Church.

And as to ye Charge of the new wall wee are Informed that ye
repaires of the old wall was computed at least to be one Hundred
Pounds P Ann Charge which from the year 1703 when the New
wall was made) to the End of Mr: Collyere Lease (being then Nine
teen years to come) might be reckoned at £1900: and if as Mr:
Collyer alledges the new wall is made it strong & substantiall
that it will be a safe sence for the Land within it during all his Term
and will require but a very small Annuall Charge to repaire it
Then wee are of Opinion that Mr. Collyer by laying out Six or Seven
Hundred pounds at Prsent in makeing the said new wall has done
an Act by which soe will save many Hundred pounds of that
Charge which he must otherwise have necessarily [..] been a
put unto within ye Terme of his Lease

And upon the reasons before menconed & in regard that
upon a full Enquiry made into the value of the Estate now held
by him of this Hospitall Wee are well satisfied that the same
was lett to him upon such reasonable Termes That it may very
probably at the End of his Lease yield a much greater fine then
he paid for the same Wee are of opinion that this Hospitall lyes
under no direct obligation to make him any allowance for the
said Charges and Expences

But nevertheless wee Considering that these charges were
Considerably encreased by the violent storme of wind and some
Extraordinary Tydes which have hapned since the Comencemt
of his Lease Wee are of opinion that the wast which was
Comitted by him and his son in felling Severall young Oakes
in Deanes wood in the year 1705 and the Takeing & Converting
of Severall Elme Trees which were felled or blowne down in the
upland Tarme in or before that year the fact whereof was
Discovered by the Comittee in the said year 1705 and then a
Confessed by the said Mr: Collyer and his son but alledged to
be done thro' Inadvertenry should be Excused and that he
should not be prosecuted for the same.

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