Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508470110

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and your Petitioner was sentenced to six Weeks Imprisonment
for each of the said Offences

That the said Ann King< no role > being 6 Months gone with
Child at the time of her being first taken into Custody was so
much alarmed thereat that she miscarried soon afterwards
and in consequence of such Miscarriage died with a
Mortification of the Womb

That your Petitioner hath lately lost a Brother and your
Petitioners Father is now confined to a such bed without the
last hopes of his Recovery

That your Petitioner being borne down with a Series
of heavy Afflictions to a very low state of Bodily strength and
his health much Impaired by sorrow and Contrition for his
past Conduct is in daily fear of falling a Sacrifice to the errors
of his Youth and in expensive in a both some Frison, and your
Petitioners Grief is much increased when he is informed of the
many tender and sollicitous Enquires made after your
Petitioner by a sick and tender father at every interval when
the state of his Mind will admit of accollection that it is not
in your Petitioner power while under Confinement to make
any the least attonement at the feet of a dying Father for the
heavy Affliction and disgrace brought upon him and his
Family at the Eve of a long and till now happy Life

That your Petitioner is informed that your
Petitioners real Situation is cautiously kept from the knowledge
of his Father as it is apprehended by the Physicians that
should he be apprised of the Imprisonment of your Petitioner
that it would be the means of hastening if not the Cause of
his immediate Death and as your Petitioner is extremely
poor your Petitioners Friends have kindly offered to pay a
Fine in lier of such Imprisonment in order to restore your
Petitioner to his Father and thereby add Comfort to his dying
Moments, if this Court out of their great humanity and
Consistent with Justice can award such fine. [..]

Your Petitioner therefore most humbly
prays that this Court will out of their Great Humanity

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