Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1778

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS506850066

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himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named,
or the major part of them, on the 8th and 9th Days of Sep-
tember next, and on the 6th Day of October following, at
Two in the Afternoon on each of the said Days, at the
Gulden Cro's Inn, situate in Bromsgrove in the County of
Worcester, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of
his Estate and Effects: When and where the Creditors
are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Second
Sitting to choose Assigness, and at the last Sitting the said
Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Cre-
ditors are to assent to or diffent from the Allowance of his
Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or
that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the
same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give
Notice to Mr. walter Jones< no role > , Attorney , at Alcester; or to Mr.
Ge'dard, Staple-inn, London.

THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded
and issued against Thomas Eaton< no role > , late of the Town of
Liverpool in the County of Lancaster, Mariner , Merchant ,
Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 30th Day of
September next, at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon,
at the Three Tuns Tavern in Corn-Street, Bristol , in order to
make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bank-
rupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already
proved their Debts are to come prepared to prove the same, or
they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend, And
all Claims not then proved will be disallowed.

WHereas the acting Commissioners in the Commission of
Bankrupt awarded and issued against Thomas Powell< no role > ,
of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex , Goldsmith , have certified to the Right Honour-
able Edward Lord Thurlow< no role > , Lord High Chancellor of Great
Britain, that the said Thomas Powell< no role > hath in all Things
conformed himself according to the Directions of the se-
veral Acts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts;
This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Act passed in the
18th. Year of His present Majesty's Reign, his Certificate will
be allowed and confirmed, as the said Act directs, unless Cause
be shewn to the contrary on or before the 25th of Septem-
ber next.

WHereas the acting Commissioners in the Commission
of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against Benjam
in a Hill
< no role > late of Kidderminster in the County of Worcester,
Shoemaker , Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the Right
Hon.Edward Lord Thurlow< no role > , Lord High Chancellor of Great
Britain, that the said Benjamin Hill< no role > hath in all Things
conformed himself according to the Directions of the saveral
Acts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; This is to
give Notice, that by virtue of an Act passed in the Fifth
Year of His late Majesty's Reign, his Certificate will be al-
lowed and confirmed as the said Acts directs, unless Cause be
shewa to the contrary on or before the 15th of September

THE following per [..] being Prisoners for
Debt, in the respective [..] sons or Goals
hereafter mentioned, do hereby give this Publick
Notice, That they do intend to take the Benefit
of an Act of Parliament, passed in the Eighteenth
Year of the Reign of His present Majesty's King
George the Third, intituled, An Act for the Re-
lief of Insolvent Debtors; and for the Relief of Bank-
rupts in Certain Cases; at the next General Special
Sessions, or General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace
to be held in and for the County, Riding, Divi
sion, City, Town, Liberty or Place, or any Ad-
journment thereof, which shall happen next after
TWENTY-ONE Days from the FIRST Publi
cation of the under-mentioned Names. And they
do hereby give Notice, that true and perfect Sche-
dules, containing a Discovery of all their Real and
Personal Estates (hereafter to be sworn to)are now
ready to be delivered to any Creditor applying for
the same to the respective Gaolers or Keepers, or
their Deputies, in such Manner as by the said Act
in directed.

Prisoner in the Gaol of IVELCHESTER in
the County of Somerset .

Third Notice.

Narhaniel Tucker< no role > , formerly of the parish of Broadway in So-
mersetshire, Miller and Dairyman , late of the Parish of
Knole St. Giles in the said County, Dairyman.

Prisoners in the KING's BENCH Prison.
in the County of Surry.

First Notice.

John Reeks< no role > , formerly of Dean-street , late of Falcon -court,
both in the Boreugh of Southwark ,

Thomas Elsmore< no role > , formerly of Walsall in the County of Staf-
ford, late of Kidderminster in the County of Worcester ,
Linen-draper .

Phineas England< no role > , formerly of Cricket St. Thomas ,
late of Coomb St. Nicholas , both in the County of Somer-
set, Clothier.

Samuel Daker< no role > , formerly and late of Brick-lane Spital-fields in
the County of Middlesex , Victualler .

Robert Hill< no role > , formerly of Queen-street St. Saviour's late of
Broad-wall in the Parish of Christ-Church , both in the
County of Surry, Victualler

prisoner in NEWGATE for the County
of Middlesex .

First Notice.

William Philps< no role > , formerly of Turnham-green in the parish of
Chiswick , late of Teddington , both in the County of Mid-
dlesex, Gardener .

THE following Persons being Fugitives for
Debt, and beyond the Seas, on the TENTH
Day of MARCH, One Thousand Seven Hundred
and Seventy-eight, and having surrendered them-
selves to the Goalers or Keepers of the respective
Goals or Prisons hereafter-mentioned, do hereby
give this Public Notice, That they intend to take
the Benefit of an Act of parliament, passed in the
Eighteenth Year of the Reign of His present Ma-
jesty, intituled, An Act for the Relief of Insolvent
Debtors; and for the Relief of Bankrupt in certain
Cases; at the next General Special Sessions, or Ge-
neral or Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to be held
in and for the County, Riding, Division, City, Town,
Liberty, or Place, or any Adjournment thereof, which
shall happen next after TWENTY-ONE Days from
the FIRST Publication of the undermentioned
Names. And they do hereby give Notice, That true
and perfect Schedules, containing a Discovery of all
their Real and Personal Estate, (hereafter to be sworn
to) are now ready to be delivered to any Creditor
applying for the same to the Gaolers or Keepers,
or their Deputies, in Such Manner as by the said
Act is directed.

Fugitives surrendered to the Keeper of the
KING's BENCH Prison in the County of

First Notice.

Francis Humphreys< no role > , formerly of Doctors Commons , late of
Dunkirk, Vintner

Third Notice.

John Sivall< no role > , formerly of Prescot-street Goodman's-fields , late
of Tripoly in Barbary, Merchant.

Fugitive surrendered to the Keeper of the
POULTRY Compter in the City of Lon-

Second Notice.

Elizabeth Tobias< no role > , formerly of Houndsditch , late of Grey
hound-alley St.Mary Axe , both in the City of London ,
Dealer and Chapwoman .

Fugitive Surrendered to the Keeper of NEW-
GATE in and for the City of Bristol and
County of the same City.

First Notice.

Jo'eph Derrett< no role > , formerly of Shrewsbury in the County of Salop,
afterwards of Jscob-street in the Parish of St. Philip and
Jacob in the City of Bristol , late of Dublin in the Kingdom
of Ireland , Brushmaker .

Second Notice.

Thomas Jones< no role > , formerly of the Town of Newport in the
County of Monmouth , late of the parish of St. Nicholas in
the City of Bristol , Victualler .

Fugitives Surrendered to the Keeper of WHITE-
CHAPEL Goal in the County of Middlesex .

Second Notice.

James Home< no role > , formerly of Lower Gun-alley St. George's in
the East , late of Rotterdam in Holland, Mariner .

James Mackenate< no role > , formerly of Shoe-lane in the City of Lon-
don, late of Calais in France, stationer.

Fugitive Surrendered to the Keeper of the She-
riff's Ward or Prison of and for the County
of Devon

First Notice.

Samuel Cross< no role > , formerly of the City of Exeter, late of the
stand of Guernsey, White Bread-baker,

Printed by Thomas Harrison< no role > , in Warwick-Lane . 1778.

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