Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

22nd February 1725 - 19th January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556000119

Image 119 of 69618th April 1726

Apud Westmr Lune in Septiana P & post
chun pasche scilt 18o. die Apr 1726

Order for giveing thanks
to Sr. Daniel Dolius the
Chairman for his Charge
and to desire him to cause'
the same to be Printed}

It is Ordered by this Court that Thanks be given to Sr. Daniel
Dolins Knt. Chairman of this Court for his Excellent and
Judicious Charge this day given to the Grand Jury and other
Jurys assembled at this present Sessions in commendation of
our most happy Constitution and Form of Government and
of our wife Just and good Laws, as also manifestly tending
to promote Religion and vertue, loyalty to his most gracious
Majesty and affection to the present administration, And the
thanks of this Court are hereby accordingly given to the said
Sr. Daniel Dolins< no role > for the same, And it is further desired by this
Court that for the Insturction of Grand Jurymen, high
Constables , petty constables and other his majestys Subjects
he will be pleased to cause his said Charge to be printed.

P adjorn Martis 19o. die Aprilis 1726.

Order for takeing a view
of such part of Chertsea
Bridge as is in Middx Etc.}

Upon information given unto this Court that such part of a
publique bridge called Chertsea bridge as is in this County is
very much dampnifyed by the floods which happened the
last Winter, one of the Arches thereof being broken down, and
that the aforesaid part of the said bridge is in great decay
for want of repaire, and that it is very requisite and
necessary that the same should be forthwith repaired, and
that it will cost a considerable sume of Money to repair and
amend the same, It is thought fit and ordered by this Court
that it be And It is hereby recomended and referred unto Sr.
Isaac Tillard< no role > , Knt James Clitherow< no role > William Colesworth< no role >
senr John Ellis< no role > Thomas West< no role > Philip Willshire< no role > and Nicholas
Bland Esqrs Justices of the peace for this County or any three
of them as a Comittee to take to their assistance some Engineer
or such able Workmen as they shall think fit, and to take a
view of such part of Chertsea bridge aforesaid as is in this
County, and to see if the same is out of repair, and if any
and what repaires are wanting and necessary to be done
thereto, And if it shall appear upon such view that the same
is out of repair Then to make an estimate of what it will

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