Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

22nd February 1725 - 19th January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556000112

Image 112 of 6963rd March 1726

A Peice of Timber3.0.0
Two deal banks0.7.0
eight deal banks0.16.0
Slitting the banks0.3.0
thirty pounds of Iron0.10.0
Scaffolding Stuff< no role > and Carriage0.5.0
Sixteen days Worke1.12.0

But that the Petitioner haveing agreed to take the
said peice of Timber at three pounds as charged there
will remaine due to the Petitioner three pounds and
thirteen shillings, And that he was to have been
paid upon his Finishing the said Way but is not yet
paid, And the Petitioner therefore prayed that this
Court would be pleased to Order him payment of the
said three pounds and thirteen shillings, And that it
might be Minuted down that when the Bridge
shall be repaired he may have the said peice of
Timber or three pounds in lieu thereof, Now upon
information given unto this Court by the said Mr.
Bland that he did employ the Petitioner to make
a Foot way as above mentioned who hath made
a good and convenient one, And that the said Mr.
Bland hath had the said Bill examined by Persons
who have seen the said Worke and are knowing in
such sort of Business who think it reasonable and
fit to be allowed, but having agreed with the
Petitioner that when the Bridge is repaired the
Petitioner should have the said peice of Timber for
his own use the Petitioner did consent and agree that
the Three pounds charged for the same should be deducted
from the said Bill soe that the reall Cost will be but Three
pounds and thirteen shillings which was to be paid him
as soon as the Word was Finished, It is Ordered by this
Court that after the said Bridge shall be repaired the

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