Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

22nd February 1725 - 19th January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556000102

Image 102 of 69613th January 1726

mention hath been made that the persons therein
bound should also appear at the next Sessions of Goal
Delivery of Newgate to be holden for the said County and
then and there prosecute and give Evidence against [..]
such Offender or Offenders upon the said Indictment, by
meanes of which defect some persons (who have been
so bound over the Recognizance and have been afterwards
minded to desist from further prosecuting such Offenders
have, after their Indictments have been found by the
Grand Jury at the Sessions of peace, neglected to appear
and give Evidence thereupon on the triall of such
Offenders at the Goal Delivery for want of whose
testimony severall hanious Offenders have been
acquitted, And the Recognizances of the persons so
bound over by reason of the said defect could not be
estreated into the Court of Exchequer as they ought to
have been if they had been taken in a due and
perfect manner, Now to the intent that persons who
shall comitt Felony Burglary or other Capital Offences
in this County may be brought to Justice and suffer
condign punishment for the same, and that proper
persons may be effectually bound over by Recognizance
to prosecute and give Evidence against them for the
said Offences, This Court doth think proper And doth
accordingly Order that the Condition of Recognizances
to prosecute and give Evidence against Offenders for Felony
Burglary or other capitall Offences by them comitted
in this County be in the forme here under written (vizt.)

The Condition of this Recognizance is such That if
A: B: C: D: Etc do personally appear
at the next Generall Sessions of the
peace to be holden for the County of Middlesex
and then and there prosecute the Law with effect
and give Evidence on his Maties behalfe upon a
Bill of Indictment to be exhibited by them to
the Grand Jury against Y: Z: for

and in case the said Bill be found and retorned

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