City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

7th December 1765 - 17th December 1766

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150770075

Image 75 of 15530th May 1766

took, and well seemed to agree with him, & he appeared
to be easie for two or three days afterwards, but that [..]
nothing staid with him nor had to any Steel but
was forced afterwards and dird the 28th. instant of
the Hurt he received as Dept. believes.

< no role >

Sworn the 30th. day of May 1766
before me}

Tho. Beach< no role >
Coroner .

Francis May of Charter House Street in the County of
Middlesex Surgeon maketh Oath and saith that on
Thursday the 15th. inst. this Dept. was for to the deced's
Lodgings in Aldersgate Street where Dept (who being
about when the Message was sent on his return home
repaired; that the deced when Dept. came theretold Dept.
that he had received an hurt in his head by some ill
usage he had received at a Publisk House in Thames
Standby some Villains there by throwing him upon
the ground: that he complaint of a great pain in his
head and of a giddiness; [..] that he did not know who
the persons were who had abused him; that Dept
examined his head but did not find any external
hunt that he was in a very high Fever, and was troubled
with frequent Vomitings, and Dept. was informed that
the deced was afflicted with sudden Convulsion Fitts
at Intervals: that from Dept. twist [..] the deced he
thought his case very dangerous, and Dept respected
that he had received some external Injuries in his
Brain by the Sympsons that to appeared that he attended
him every day except one from that time to the time
of his death which happened Wednesbury Evening
last the 28th. Instant: says the deced Vamiting
was not so violent or as his Fever for three or
four days after Depts. having visited him as before, but
his Complaint of the [..] inhis headthe right
side of his head was as bad as it had been before
that abt. 4 or 3 days after Dept. had attended him he had
intriely last the one of his left side and feeling that he
continued gradually languishing till be died [..]
[..] That since the death of the deced Dept. opened lies
Skull, having before examinedhimthe natural Parts of his
head, & on opening the Skull found there was no injury done
to it but there was a large Quantity of concealed Blood in the
Rightside of the Brain, Dept. apprehends was the immediately
occaison of his Death.

Sworn the 30th. day of
May 1766 before me}
Tho: Beach< no role > Coro.

Francis May< no role >

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