City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

13th February 1752 - 10th June 1754

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150640072

Image 72 of 1709th October 1753

Whitehall October 9th. 1753


Anne Ellis< no role > , Peter Tickner< no role >
Daniel Tagg< no role > and Mary Rhimes< no role > , having
been capitally convicted, at the Old Bailey ;
The King, in Consideration of some Circumstances
humbly represented, to Him in Their Bahalf,
is graciously pleased to extend His Royal
Mercy to Them, upon Condition of Transportation,
and I am accordingly, to signify to You His
Majesty's Pleasure That, said Anne Ellis< no role > ,
and Peter Tickner< no role > , be transported for the
Term of their natural Livers, The said
Daniel Tagg< no role > , for the Term of Fourteen
Years, and the said Mary Rhimes< no role > , for
Seven Years, to some of His Majesty's Colonies
or Plantations in America , Pursuant to
the Acts of Parliament in that Behalf.

I am, Sir,

Your most Obedient
humble Servant.

John Newcastle< no role >

Mr: Recorder of the City of London .

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