Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450340342

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Old Bailey
October Session 1788

The King
Pheebe Williams< no role > }
On the prosecution of Joseph Slack< no role >
and Thomas Slack< no role > for a felony

Joseph Slack< no role > of James Street< no role > Covent Garden in the County of Middlesex
Linendraper and Thomas hack< no role > of the same place Linen
draper the above named Prosecutors jointly and severally
make Oath and say that in the Month of February last
these Deponent caused the above named Pheebe Williams
to be apprehended on a Charge of Felony for stealing out
of the shop of these Deponent a piece of printed Cotton
of considerable value and the said Pheebe Williams was
thereupon carried before Sir Sampson Wright< no role > in Bow street
and committed to prison to take her trial at the Old
Bailey last February Session and these Deponents entered
into a recognizance to appear and prosecute her for the said
Felony and these Deponents further say that not having
employed any Solicitor and being totally unacquainted
with the necessary steps to be taken in the Prosecution
and not having received any notice for that purpose
these Deponents did not appear at Hicks's Hall Clerkenwell
at the proper time to proper a bill of Indictment against
the said Pheebe Williams for the said Felony: And these
Deponent further say that they both attended at Justices
Hall in the Old Bailey from day to day deving all the days
of the said February Session in order to prosecute said give
evidence against the said Pheebe Williams but the said Pheebe
was discharged for want of a Bill being preferred against her
for the said Felony And these Deponents further say that
they never received any reward or promise of reward from
any person whatsoever directly or indirectly for not attending
to proper a Bill against the said Pheebe Williams and that the
sole reason of their not attending was from ignorance of
the practice of the Court in that respect and these Deponent
further say that it was their with purpose and intention
to have prosecuted the said Pheebe Williams to conviction
for the said Offence and that they did not forbeai to
appear before the Grand Jury to prefer a Bill of

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